Wie Visi uns schon im TS sagte, gibt es eine Mitteilung über zwei Updates für VG im laufenden Rechnungsjahr.
Forum ->
http://forums.station.sony.com/vg/posts ... c_id=55743org. Mitteilung ->
http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/07/10 ... #continuedZitat:
While Grant wasn't able to go into detail, he did say that there have been high-level meetings regarding future updates for Vanguard. They are definitely planning to do two updates within the fiscal year for Vanguard, although there is no exact timetable on when those updates will launch. He said that he will more than likely be overseeing whatever will be implemented, and they will also bring in other developers who had previously worked on the game.
wie schon gesagt, zwei updates im laufenden rechnungsjahr
As to what will be in the updates, he said details are still being worked on, but it will probably include adventure content such as quests and dungeons, and they'll look to make use of some of the emptier real estate currently in game.
implementiert wird möglicherweise adv. content, wie quests und dungeons, ausserdem könnten einige bisher ungenutzte zonen mit content versehen werden.
Next, we asked whether Vanguard might go free-to-play. Grant responded that it would be a major undertaking to add it into the game, since it would require a revenue stream, most likely in the form of a Station Cash Marketplace. So while they've talked about it, it's not on the table at this time.
VG wird vorerst nicht free-2-play
When asked about whether the focus would be on revamping current content or adding new content, he said that what they're looking at is what will be the best bang for the buck for Vanguard fans, and what will meet the needs of the players. He also added that they want to put in content that will last for a while, and not be burned through quickly by the playerbase.
wenn content kommt, soll es etwas sein, durch das man nicht durchrauscht, sondern etwas mehr aufwand benötigt.
persönlich würd es mich riesig freuen, wenn das alles umgesetzt würde. drücken wir uns einfach die daumen