dear GM Awnya
there are 2 fully capsed bossmobs in virak lair
both of them stand at the end of the dungeon to the left and right of a big platform
both of them drop a special item.. they are clearly intended to work as endbosses
one gave us a plat coin the other (the one i wrote the petition about) did not....
SILIUS himself wrote on the forums that EVERY CAPSED NAMED should drop plat coins if everyone gets xp of it and has a free inventory slot (and a city sign of course)
do you realy want to tell me this one is not??
its absolute ok to me if you are not allowd to give us these coins because you cant assure if we realy killed it, or smth. like that
but pleeeaase dont tell me a mob like this, which is clearly intended to drop a coin, is not.... thats just absurd
best regards and no offence meant! i know youre just doing youre job as good as you can