Haldir Lorien hat geschrieben:
Was soll das denn bitte heissen? Dass du wichtiger bist, als ich?

das ist doch selbstverständlich
Haldir Lorien hat geschrieben:
Hatte mein Therapeut in der zweiten Klasse etwa Recht? Bin ich ein Nichts?

warum erinnert mich das nur an Odysseus und die Zyklopen?
"Wer hat dich angegriffen?" "Niemand!"
"Wer hat dir das Auge ausgebrannt?" "Niemand"
"dann hör auf, so ein Geschei zu machen und gib Ruhe!"

edit: ein paar recherchen haben mir folgendee infos beschert:
Originally Posted by Claret
Have confirmed Journeyman Merchandiser Sasul in Dargun's Tomb drops the Initiate Panel Production Manual. Both him and his placeholder are -1000 BC faction per kill.
posted by Reiya
Pretty much you go up like 3 flights of stairs (i think been up to long) past a bunch of see invis. Youll get too a door guard by 2 mobs with a 3rd that opens it. Just inside thst room is 2 fallen pillars with 4 visble mobs. 2 stationary 2 roaming. in the upper left corner is the dwarf or his ph. (red name no matter faction). can safely sit in the left lower corner between spawns.
http://www.vanguardcrafters.com/forum/s ... 399&page=5edit nr.2:
This NPC is a 4dot lv39 Male Dwarf that is located in Heathwarden Hall of Dargun's Tomb. He is up or his Place Holder Sasul Defender a 3dot lv39. Respawn is 30 mins on the dot.
und eine kleine statistik:
farmlog for initiate plank production manual: day1: 5 kills (4 named, 1 ph) day2: 18 kills (3 named, 15 ph) day3: 19 kills (5 named, 14 ph) day4: 22 kills (3 named, 19 ph) day5: 25 kills (2 named, 23 ph) day6: 28 kills (5 named, 23 ph)
initiate plank production manual: 0
edit: i got one after 7 days farming. 123 kills (25 named, 98 ph)
nicht sehr motivierend